Editors Needed
No one, including me, is very active here. We could use more editors.
Note that this Wiki is NOT intended to be in competition with any other SCA Wiki or website. This is intended to be for basic information. What is the SCA, what is SCA fighting, what are the Kingdoms and Baronies and Shires and Cantons and such, and where are they.
We can then link to sites that get more specific.For example, we may have the very basics on the Kingdom of Caid--and we can tell you where the Kingdom site is, where any sites for its baronies are, etc. This Wiki can be a starting place.
So if you know the SCA and liked editing Wiki, feel free to join in!
Renaissance Faire or SCA more Authentic?
No Renaissance faire is as historically accurate as the SCA! None. When I go to a Ren faire set in 1580 AD, it might sort of look like Anno Domini 1580. But if I go to an SCA event set in 52 AS, by golly it looks EXACTLY like Anno Societatis 52.
In the Beginning
As I write this, this site is just beginning. It's exciting, but also daunting.
The things that would seem hardest, like coming up with and designing a logo and background, were relatively easy, even though they did take some time.
But the "easy" things, like figuring out what barony a canton belonged to, and finding where a barony was located in the modern world; those things we're still strugging with. As we wrote on SCA Wiki:About:
- For example, on some kingdom websites, cantons are listed under the barony they're a part of. In others, they're listed separately. Some sites don't even say what barony a canton is part of, and in some the barony description conflicts with the canton description. On one kingdom website, baronies are listed u…